

23 rd May -   seen a case of psychosis 24 th May - sunday 25 th May -  a case of psychosis , moderate depression with phobia 26 th May -   a case of OCD 27 th May -  MR with behavioural problem 28 th May -a Case of severe depression, ATPD 29 th May -medicine opd 30 th May -a Case of ADS+TDS 31 St May -Dialysis 1 st June -Dialysis 2 nd June - a case of alcohol withdrawal, delirium 3 rd June -  seen a case of alcohol withdrawal, moderate depression 4 th June -   ATPD ,hypomania 5 th June -   medicine opd 6 th June -   a case of severe depression 7 th June -   Sunday 8 th June - discussed about alcoholic peripheral neuropathy 9 th June - seen a case of Budd Chiari syndrome 10 th June- followed up a stroke patient  and done CNS examination 11 th June - seen a case of emphytematous pyelonephritis 12 th June- medicine opd 13 th June- seen a case of uti 14 th June -Sunday 15 th June- seen a case of uremic encephalopathy 16 th June - learned about hemangioma with thrombocytopenia 17 th June -


Hello everyone...I am an intern from the department of General Medicine.   As a part of our internship , we make a log of what we do in the department day to day to assess how much we have learnt .   Here I am presenting you an interesting case ..which is under evaluation. I am going to provide the details of the case along with the investigations we have sent and treatment given. CASE HISTORY My patient a 45 yr female , a housewife  Presented with complaints of -headache  for the past 2 years -B/l lower limb weakness for the past 5 months - h/o - multiple body pains, disturbed sleep, auditory hallucinations , double vision  Diagnosed as depression without psychotic features She was on Bulotin , Esihan's plus for 1 week  CT - done -small calcific foci in left high parietal region  She had a sudden fall ..  and slurring of speech present..swaying present  With  NO  loss of consciousness , seizure activity.  Diagnosed as Ischemic stroke   -Complaints of swaying to right/left side una